Legal Disclaimer

This web site represents a co-operative venture between individual participating Home Hardware,
Home Building Centre, and Home Hardware Building Centre stores.

All applications of the Home Hardware name, logo, and any other images, or text, that
identify with, or pertain to, the Home Hardware brand are used on behalf
of the participating dealers who collectively own the rights to all content contained on this website.

This web site does not represent Home Hardware Stores Limited, nor any non-
program-participating Home Hardware dealers in any way, and has no affiliation whatsoever with the
Home Hardware Stores Limited corporate web site -

WebCommSolutions Group is in no way affiliated with "Home Hardware Stores Limited."
Use of the "Home Hardware" name is solely intended to identify independent
"Home Hardware " stores as participating parties in this web program
and should not be construed as a claim or insinuation of involvement with, sanctioning by, or
endorsement from, "Home Hardware Stores Limited."
The "Home Hardware" name and all variations thereof are the property of
"Home Hardware Stores Limited" and
WebCommSolutions Group makes no claims regarding any rights to, or ownership of, it or its use.

All web design and artwork © 2004 - WebCommSolutions Group.
No part of this web site, whether in text or graphic format, may be copied, transferred, stored in
electronic or other format, and/or used (implemented)
in any way without prior written consent from WebCommSolutions Group.

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